Optimae launches Intensive Residential Services, opens new home in Ames

June 11, 2024 (AMES) – Optimae LifeServices is pleased to announce that its Community Services division is now providing Intensive Residential Services in Story County, opening its first Intensive Residential Service Home (IRSH) in Ames. The opening of the home is a collaboration between Optimae and the Central Iowa Community Services (CICS) Mental Health and Disability Services Region.

“CICS and Optimae share common priorities to meet individuals where they are and to serve them at a community level. We are excited to collaborate with Optimae on another project to make this possible,” said Jen Sheehan, CICS planning and development officer. “Optimae’s IRSH will provide opportunities for individuals to receive intensive services in a community setting. As our system works to build a stronger network for individuals with complex brain health, we are grateful for partners like Optimae who are willing to lead the way with one of the first IRSH sites in our region.”

Per the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, “Intensive Residential Services are intended to serve adults with the most severe and persistent mental health conditions who have functional impairments and may also have multi-occurring conditions. This service provides intensive 24-hour supervision, behavioral health services, and other supportive services in a community-based residential setting.”

The Optimae home in Ames, like all IRSH sites, is located in a neighborhood within the community to maximize community integration and natural supports. Community Services staff members will work in close partnership with Optimae’s Behavioral Health, Home Health and Rehabilitation Services (Occupational Therapy) teams to deliver comprehensive services and a holistic approach to customers’ health care.

“The IRSH Program will help provide a sustained level of support for persons with complex needs and co-occurring disorders,” said Meghan Foster, Optimae’s chief operating officer for central Iowa. “The state of Iowa has been advocating for these supports and services for a number of years, and we are proud to be among those leading the charge to bring them to new communities.”

Optimae anticipates its second IRSH will open in fall 2024, serving Dallas County residents in Waukee.