For Allicia Cannon, a Community Services customer at Optimae LifeServices, “Community” is more than a program name — it’s at the heart of her Optimae experience.
“Everybody is so sweet, and we all help each other,” Allicia says.
Whether speaking of her roommates or the staff members who assist her, Allicia is grateful for her Optimae family. “They are really cool people,” Allicia says. “They’re just so good to me.”
The path of discovery
As Allicia shares her Optimae story, she’s quick to mention her Community Integration group, which provides opportunities at Optimae and across the state of Iowa to discover new relationships and experiences.
“It’s a lot of fun,” Allicia says. “You meet new people. You go on outings.”
Allicia says she was happy to join her Community Integration group because they “do a lot of fun stuff” — including mall visits, breakfast outings, Des Moines Art Museum excursions and arboretum adventures. It has also provided Allicia with a built-in network of natural supports.
“Sometimes I need to be around more people than myself,” Allicia says.
The value of volunteering
While every experience Allicia recalls is special to her, one in particular stands out — volunteering at Discover Hope 517 Ministry, a recovery community organization located in Newton.
“My favorite thing is Discover Hope because every time I go for a volunteer day, I usually know it’s going to be a good one,” Allicia says. “Discover Hope is mostly for homeless people or people that have issues just like us but maybe just a little bit worse — and we’re able to help them.”
Robbie Robinson, executive director at Discover Hope 517 Ministry, describes the organization as one that is available for those who are struggling in the marginalized community from a drug addiction, homelessness and displacement. The nonprofit also offers a community center where individuals and groups can get connected to Discover Hope’s mission.
“Optimae is one of those partners,” Robbie says. “They fellowship with us and connect with us — it’s really a great opportunity for socialization and a way to give back and connect.”
For Allicia, who has served as a Discover Hope volunteer for nine years, the people keep bringing her back.
“I love the people,” she says. “The people are beyond awesome. That’s why I go.”
When she’s asked what she enjoys about volunteering, Allicia says, “I just love helping everybody out. It just makes me feel whole.”
Some of the individuals Allicia helps out are children. She cleans their toy room or prepares plates of cookies for them.
Making friends and making wise decisions
Although Allicia’s volunteer work with Discover Hope is a large part of her Optimae story, she explains there is much more to that story.
“That’s not what group is just about,” Allicia says. “It’s about making friends and making wise decisions.”
Allicia’s journey has had its share of ups and downs, and she credits Optimae with helping her grow and mature — and better manage her mental health.
“It’s helped me grow up,” Allicia says. “When I first came here — I mean, sometimes I still do, if I’m depressed or something I’ll go all around the room. But now, you know, I’m just more, you know, one piece.”
Optimae has also helped Allicia reclaim one of her loves — art.
“I was going to give that up,” Allicia says. “After I had broken my hand and my collarbone and my back in three places, it was difficult for me to draw. So now I’m drawing all the time in group. And you know, I kind of got that back, so it feels really good.”
Another thing that feels really good? Having people there for you, Allicia says.
“I know some people don’t have people that are there for them, but if you go to Optimae, you’ll definitely have someone there for you. I’ve had a lot of help during the years. These people — these are not ordinary people. They are superheroes.”
Receiving help — and giving help
Just as Allicia has received help, she’s giving help — through participating at Community Integration, volunteering at Discover Hope and giving assistance and advice to others.
“I’m happy,” Allicia says. “I’ve had a lot of downfalls, a lot of good things happen to me. I’m just living one day at a time. And do everything you love.”